Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One step at a time.

April has been the craziest month of my life, full of new surprises and new challenges.

After my finals I packed up my room, threw all my stuff on my bed packed my bags and got ready to go to to ARIZONA! I slept a total of one hour and thirty minutes that night from 3:30am to 5am. Nug came and picked me up and it was snowing, like crazy! We went and picked up Eric and we were off to AZ. We honestly couldn't see thirty feet in front of us and I am pretty sure we drove 60mph the whole way there.
After 16 hours and pit stops in Provo, Page and Flagstaff we were finally home! When we walked into my families house, no one was home and no one was answering their phones... JR and Joseph finally showed up. Then Mom. Then Blake. Eric was so nervous, he won't admit it but he was.
The coming week was the best week of my life. Every day we were doing something or going somewhere. We went to the science center, the phoenix zoo, floated down the river at night on a mattress, I got to meet Eric's grandma, Aunt and Uncle, and we tanned and I dropped my phone in to pool. Unlucky? most definitely.
Nonetheless. It was the best week of my life.

We love giraffes so much <3

We loved the science center :)

We're in love, alright. 

I honestly have the best boyfriend ever. I love him :)

So, our amazing week ended and Eric went home to California and I went back to school in Rexburg. School started and one day into the semester I got a friendly little call from our executive secretary Steve, one of the nicest kids I know, telling me that Bishop would like to see the next night, Thursday. My heart stopped, I was instantly nervous. The whole next day the only thing running through my mind was, "Why does bishop want to talk to me. There is no way I am going to be Relief Society President. I'm only 19. It's my third semester." I was freaking out. 
So Thursday night came and I walked to the Benson building, so slow. I got there and had a friendly conversation with Steve, he kept telling me I have nothing to worry about. For some reason that only made me more nervous. Bishop came out and invited me into his office. I say down and he said, "Erin, it is no surprise that I called you in here." and I was thinking... oh no oh no ohhh nooo. "Eric, we normally would never call someone as young as you to this calling, but every once in a while it happens. You were fantastic last semester and I know you gained a testimony of Relief Society. So with that being said, I would like for you to be the Relief Society President." 
Pretty sure I stared at him. I had nothing to say. Eventually I said, I accept. And that was that. I started walking home and I had to call my mom. When I told her she wasn't even surprised at all. She knew it was coming, along with everyone else apparently. When I stood up in church to be sustained, no one was surprised. Everyone told me they knew it was going to happen. Everyone knew but me. I have never been more busy in my entire life. Every day I have loads of homework and I have girls calling me and texting me and wanting to know about their callings and this and that. Now, saying that, I am so happy I am the President. I am thankful for the challenge, especially right now in my life when everything else just isn't falling in to place how I want it to, I get to help other girls and serve others instead of worrying about my own problems I can focus on other peoples problems and help them to the best of my ability. Life is just beautiful.
Spring 2012, bring. it. on.

Now here is the really big news.....


CONGRATS to the most important woman in my life. I love you Mom and I am so happy for you and Brian. 

Seriously, they are precious. 

I can't wait any longer. In 2 days I am flying off to California to see the love of my life and I have never been more excited to see anyone in my entire life. Then from California to Arizona for my mom's wedding, then back to dreary Rexburg. That's okay. I can't for these next two weeks :) 

Here's the thing, we saw each other three weeks ago, and we are already dying. It is hard going from spending every second together then to living hundreds of miles away from each other. Long distance is not easy, but I know that it is going to be so worth it :) 

one more day till he turns 22
two more days till we are reunited

1 comment:

  1. e!!!! i heard about your mom's engagement!!! happy day for patti! and it is seriously no surprise you're relief society president. you. go. girl. call me beep me.
