Sunday, October 23, 2011

as of recent.

I am really only updating this right now because my best friend Haleigh Clouse updated hers, and caden really wants to know whats happening in my life. 

So here goes nothing. 

Rexburg > Mesa.
I absolutely love it here. I do not miss Arizona AT ALL. Don't get me wrong, the people in Mesa are freaking fantastic. But Mesa itself. eh. not so fantastic. 
It is officially turning into winter here. This Wednesday the high is 44 degrees! 
Good thing that I have a million coats, gloves, beanies, and scarves. 
Too bad that is not even going to be enough when it really gets to winter time...

Everyone, feel free to send me anything to keep me warm. 
And I seriously mean ANYTHING!
hot cocoa is a good thing too. 

Well recently I have been the ice caves, a cabin, shot a gun, partied in Idaho Falls, celebrated my girl Addy's 18TH BIRTHDAY! She is just so grown up now. 
We have also had the cops called on Addy's party and our fire alarm went off in our apartment complex due to stupid girls across the hall thinking that it would be a good idea to turn on a FOG MACHINE IN OUR APARTMENTS THAT THE WINDOWS DON'T OPEN AND WE DON'T HAVE FANS!
Stupid girls. 

I got this when I was home. Nothing surprised me. Bummer. 

This was the greatest part about coming home <3
I received the greatest letter from Spencer Frame. It was post cards all cut up front and back written on and a picture. Oh goodness I was so happy. 

I dyed my hair again. Burgundy streak in my hair. 

this was before. I don't have an after picture yet. 

This is what happens when I'm gone. Becca and Addy destroy my lovely bed. 
It wasn't made when I got home... But I still love them with my whole freaking LIFE!

Today we went to church and we got there on time and everything. So it is really hard to go to church when you have relief society then sunday school then Sacrement meeting. We made it there even when it was cold and the wind was blowing and we had to walk to church like we walk everywhere. 
Greatest thing ever, makes you appreciate everything a lot more when you have to walk everywhere and when you don't have all the luxuries of home. 

Well that was a pretty decent update. That's for you caden! love you :) and everyone else too!