Thursday, September 29, 2011

...this is really happening...

I can't believe that it is September 29th. That means Devin comes home tomorrow!!!!!!
I am currently sitting in my lovely apartment in Rexburg, Idaho waiting for my brother to come pick me up so that we can travel to Idaho Falls to fly home!
This is all actually happening! I seriously had to pinch myself. Unbelievable.

Well, in about 24 hours my family will all be reunited again.
I am the happiest girl in this world right now.

I should update about what has happened this past week.
Last Saturday my roommate ended up in the hospital. My lovely little joy had an ovarian cyst rupture! Poor baby girl. Saddest thing I have seen in a while. But everything is fine now, thank goodness! Me, Addy, and Becca believe that this happened from Joy shaken it too much at the crazy dance party we went to the night before. Who knows. But it was an eventful weekend!

This week has been nothing but countdowns.
Countdowns to when homework assignments are due.
Countdown to when I get to go home
Countdown to when I get to see Devin.

Geeeeez. I am so excited.

My flight leaves in T minus 1.5 hours.

Last night I decided to do something brilliant.
I changed my relationship status on Facebook to "engaged" then I put a picture on of me with an "engagement ring" on. 
and this was the picture. yes, it really is my hand. but are you kidding!?
seriously everyone who though I was really engaged, what were you thinking....
I am only 18 and I am pretty sure I would have been in a relationship before getting engaged.
And I have only been at school for about a month!
But I did get some great reactions. And special thanks to Zach Burton for playing along so well. He made everyone believe it. Love that kid.

here is what the ring reallllllly looks like :)
My mommy got my this ring for graduation. It is my birthstone.

But I apologize to all the people who really believed me. But it was funny.
I will make sure never to do that again till I really am engaged :) 

Friday, September 23, 2011

another week of college.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my teachers. 
They are seriously so freaking weird. 
Finance, Brother Rhoton, so funny. His son is in the class. so great. they were arguing today. hahahahahhhahahahfhahah. awk.
College Success, Brother Hazard, little funny old man. he gave me 10/10 on an assignment that was clearly late.  i love this man already!
Book of Mormon, not gonna lie I don't know my teachers name.. But he is a good man.
Beauty and Creativity, Brother Vaughn, craziest person I have ever met. he draws cans of "soop" and "sup". he is a funny guy. 
American Foundations, who cares, I dislike this class more than Addy Baldwin dislikes rules. 
Science Foundations, Brother Anderson, chillest man alive. So legit. we have already experimented with Termites and thumb wars. i love science now! and my group.

this week went by sooooooo fast.
college has corrupted me. actually, addy baldwin, joy houchins and becca nygaard have corrupted. entirely.

dear everyone, i bleached my hair and dyed it....twice!! my hair is no longer virgin hair. so depressing.

first attempt was an epic faillllll.
bright bright orange.
alright, its cool. but yeah, it was toooo much and it was supposed to be red anyways.

it was all supposed to be red, and it was orange on all of us! me and addy loved being part ginger for about twenty four hours though.

then the next night we tried again.
so much better. You can't really see it here but i also have it on the top of my hair too.
it's hot.
addy's hair is siiiickkkkkk.

college is fun.

and the greatest news of all...

 getting the group back together. 
i am so excited to finally be with all my brothers at the same time and place. together. again.

 is he not the cutest!?

 he is seriously my hero.

I can't wait to have these goofy crazy times again.

well we all know that my family has not been under "normal" circumstances these past five years. and definitely not in this past year and a half.
Yes, i think we are all more than excited to have Devin home. Even people that aren't related to us can't wait for him to be home. Devin is probably one of the most genuine people i have ever met. he is the nicest, most considerate, humble, caring person that i know.

ladies, he will be very much available when he gets home.

only one more week <3

Sunday, September 18, 2011

do you know?

It finally hit me. I MISS MY FAMILY!
I miss waking up to my brothers yelling at each other playing video games.
I miss having my Mommy cook all my meals.
I miss Caleb asking for us to make him peanut butter and pepperoni toast.
I miss my little brothers poking me in the stomach on a daily basis.
I miss Caleb always begging us to play football with him.
I miss hearing Joseph play The Office theme song several times a day.
I miss hanging out with my little brother Blake. 
I miss being around the people who know everything about me.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love college and my roommates and all the friends I have made. 
But there is only so much they can do! They are clearly not my family.

I was walking through the grocery store the other day with my big brother J.R. and we came across these.
My adorable little brother Joseph loves these. It made me miss their weird foods they eat so much!

Onto a more crazy note. I love BYU Idaho.
Tonight we made dozens and dozens of Nutella cookies. So so delicious. Those who got to taste them, you are some lucky people, probably the greatest cookies I have ever ever made.
Then I made dinner for me and my lovely friends. Also the greatest meal I have made in a while.
It could also be that it tasted so good because we have been eating mac and cheese and Ramen all week.
Either way, it was delicious.

Well, I am going to get better at taking more pictures of everything happening here, because I know everyone is just DYING to see and know everything that is happening in good ol' Rexburg.

Once upon a time, someone gave me some advice, they told me not to hang out with the local boys.
They are the people you WANT to hang out with. They know what's up.

Dear everyone, I will be home in two weeks.

Two more weeks till my amazing brother Devin Earl Timothy gets home from his mission.
September 30th, 2011 cannot come soon enough.
A lot has changed in two years and obviously most of it was not planned or expected, but we accepted life as it came and Devin has too. There would be no one else that could been gone from his family for two years and have gone through what he has gone through. I seriously have the greatest big brother ever. I could not ask for a better example or hero. Having him home is going to be the icing on the cake.

two more weeks. just two more weeks :):) 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

not even a week


It has not even been a week of college my friends! So much has already happened. 
Homesickness definitely did not make this list.

Seeing as I am a mature college student now, I must do my homework. Too bad I suck at doing homework and always have. Did I do homework in high school? Clearly not. I barely graduated. Yes, I admit it. My deepest darkest secret. I almost did not graduate. Whatever.
Now, I am already a studious student in college doing my homework on time and every night.

Advice time.
Before leaving your apartment, or wherever you are living, to travel to somewhere. Make sure you KNOW where you're going.
So these are my friends.
the ginger, black head, blonde, and brunette.
You see, we are all smart girls. When we see a sign, like lets take a Craigo's pizza place sign for instance, we think to ourselves, "Oh look! That is a pizza place. Let's go there sometime."
Naturally, a couple days later we travel from our apartments, down the hill, to where we thought Craigo's was.
Like I said, we are all smart girls. But, I believe we are not so observant anymore.
So we end up walking a mile and a half to Craigo's which had changed locations to a mile and a half away from where that sign stood.
You would think that maybe they would take the sign down? Or maybe we would listen to people when they told us that Craigo's was no longer located there.
Again, we are all smart girls.
Just one of many adventures already.

I skyped my number one stalker today.
Shout out to Baby Mak Clouse.
Love you and miss you darling.

More stories to come. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

First day of COLLEGE.

September 12th, 2011

First day of classes at BYU Idaho. Well my adventure started with waking up. Splendid. Then there was a shower along with getting ready. Then receiving some medicine from my ginger friend Becca for the lovely cold I have been fighting recently. Then came the walking to class part. 
Clearly I had no idea where I was going. It is rather sad how I can walk around campus as much as I want and I still get completely lost and have no clue where I am going. 
Moving on, I eventually find my first class. Intro to Finance. Then there is the task of finding a seat. Which was awkward. Then, since it's BYU, every starts introducing themselves and exchanging where everyone is original from, age, grade, major, etc etc. 
Then the teachers decides to ask who are graduating Seniors this semester. There were probably five. Then he asks for the fist semester Freshman's to raise their hands. 
I am the ONE and ONLY Freshman in my Finance class. Couldn't ask for anything better. 
Since we are all in college classes now. The teachers and students can clearly do what they want. We got out of class a half hour early. So what do I do? 
Take and adventure to who knows where. I finally ended up at the library where I sat on Facebook waiting for my next class so start. I was there for an hour and a half. Facebook stalking, talking to my mother on the phone, looking like a loner (except every one in the library looks like a longer so its fine), then my dearest friends Toad (Tate) and Addy show up. 
So, naturally since we are all cool little freshies, we sit on our computers and continue to Facebook stalk people. 

The life of a Freshman with a brand new laptop.

Continuing on to my College Success and Book of Mormon classes. Clearly there are some very interesting people at BYU. Doesn't matter which BYU. There are weird people at all of them.
And the weirdest thing about all these weird people? They introduce themselves to every one.
Then they ask for your number.

Now the question is, should you give them your number?
There are two answers to this question.
 First answer:
You may say yes. But only if you think they are attractive or you have a slight interest in them.
Second answer:
You should say no. This is probably the better answer. Why? Because these boys just want your number to feel cool! They might text you a couple times or try to take you out on a date. But we all know that will just end with you parking in a random neighborhood in Rexburg and macking all night.

If you enjoy macking then go for the second answer.

If you actually enjoy people and aren't just a horny college student, I would steer clear of giving your number to every attractive boy you meet.

Not everyone you meet can be "the one". Lets get real Freshman girls.

i <3 college.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

get'n volved.

Today we got connected. 

My amazingly amazing roomie Joy is about the coolest person I have ever met. We were the last ones to go to sleep last night. And the last ones to wake up this morning in our apartment. 
This may become a routine. But really, who goes to bed at 11!? seriously, live a little.

We may or may not have ditched, you decide.

So far today I have:
got my icard and books
watched a wicked sweet talent show
hung out with a long lost friend
watched Pretty Little Liars, lotsandlots
learned dark secrets
found my Arizonians
laughed a little too much
bought more food
been super awkward
had to get the plumbing fixed
been hit on by RM's
almost got a job
walked one to many times up the steepest hill of my life
been asked if I want to have a song sung to me by a creepy boy walking about with a guitar.

Advice: Everyone should go to college. 
preferably any BYU school. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011


18 hours in a car with your older brother will really do something to a girl. 

Is something still funny when you are the only one that can hear it?
Yes. And how did I figure this out? 
My brother put his head phones in while we are driving and every time I am just about to fall asleep, I hear the most obnoxious, loud laugh I have ever heard in my life.
What is so funny? nothing.
at least nothing that I can hear. 

I had the greatest night of my life in Provo Utah with my BESTIE Natalie Fielding.

Don't judge.

So, I have these roommates. They are great. And I love and I am completely obsessed with my roomie Joy-Noel Louise Houchins.
And my new best friends Jay Charles Thomas and Addy. 

I love love love BYU Idaho!

more to come.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

counting down...

I can't believe these are the last couple days I will be spending with my little brothers and mom for a while.. It was a rather odd weekend. 
My family has never done anything normal, nor are we that normal. 

All day Monday me and my mommy finished packing up my stuff for college while my brothers did yard work and "played" all day. And when I say play I mean:
moon me
skinny dip and yell for help 
press there bodies up against our kitchen windows (obviously)
and play video games to the point that even Caleb got sick of them.

I have no clue what I am going to do without these weird boys running around me all day long. Geez.

So... I am all packed.

8 large bins, 2 small bins, 1 laptop, 1 printer, 1 mirror, and 1 matress cover later...
I am ready to go. 
Rexburg, Idaho. Watch out.

T-Minus 8 hours.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The last Sunday.

Today was my official last Sunday in my family ward. From now on, Single Adult Students ward. I have never enjoyed the Singles Ward. why? Because I am not ready to be creeped on by RM's quite yet. But reality check! I am going to BYU Idaho. Number one school for creeper RM's. 

Moving on. I have never had so many people tell me they are going to miss me. Thank you all my little beehives. I am going to miss coming to mutual every Wednesday and I am especially going to miss being called Sister Erin. I know I wasn't your leader for long but you are the cutest sweetest little girls that I have ever met. 
The greatest girls ever. 
This has been my favorite, and only, calling so far :)

My Family.
My little brother Blake. 
I owe everything to this kid. He is my best friend, the kid I go to when I need a good laugh or when I just want to talk. He is the most adorable, hilarious, fun boy anyone will ever meet.

Caleb. Where to begin. He knows more about sports than any other boy I have met. And he is 9. Never has anyone been so devoted to sports. He plays football three nights a week and he has games every Saturday. IN THE AFTERNOON! In this heat, no one should even be outside. Let alone be playing football. Respect. 

 My cousins are gorgeous. Family reunions have never been easy to come by for us. But when we all get together, it is like we were never apart. I love them. 

 The first picture on my new Mac Book :)

The most gorgeous, strongest, sweetest, funniest woman that anyone will ever meet. My mom is the reason I am still going. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without her. Knowing that my mommy won't be right there whenever I need her is going to be hard. But she has taught me well and I am prepared to grow up :)

T-Minus 2 days till we begin our road trip to college.


Wow. I never thought I would succumb to the blogging world. And now, here I am. Blogging. I guess there couldn't be a better time to start since I am leaving to college in T-Minus 3 days. Road trip to Rexburg, Idaho where I will begin my studies in Business Management at Brigham Young University Idaho. AKA BYU I do. No, I do not plan on getting married anytime soon. Just in case you were wondering. 

First blog down. Many more to come.