Wednesday, September 14, 2011

not even a week


It has not even been a week of college my friends! So much has already happened. 
Homesickness definitely did not make this list.

Seeing as I am a mature college student now, I must do my homework. Too bad I suck at doing homework and always have. Did I do homework in high school? Clearly not. I barely graduated. Yes, I admit it. My deepest darkest secret. I almost did not graduate. Whatever.
Now, I am already a studious student in college doing my homework on time and every night.

Advice time.
Before leaving your apartment, or wherever you are living, to travel to somewhere. Make sure you KNOW where you're going.
So these are my friends.
the ginger, black head, blonde, and brunette.
You see, we are all smart girls. When we see a sign, like lets take a Craigo's pizza place sign for instance, we think to ourselves, "Oh look! That is a pizza place. Let's go there sometime."
Naturally, a couple days later we travel from our apartments, down the hill, to where we thought Craigo's was.
Like I said, we are all smart girls. But, I believe we are not so observant anymore.
So we end up walking a mile and a half to Craigo's which had changed locations to a mile and a half away from where that sign stood.
You would think that maybe they would take the sign down? Or maybe we would listen to people when they told us that Craigo's was no longer located there.
Again, we are all smart girls.
Just one of many adventures already.

I skyped my number one stalker today.
Shout out to Baby Mak Clouse.
Love you and miss you darling.

More stories to come. 

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