Friday, September 23, 2011

another week of college.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my teachers. 
They are seriously so freaking weird. 
Finance, Brother Rhoton, so funny. His son is in the class. so great. they were arguing today. hahahahahhhahahahfhahah. awk.
College Success, Brother Hazard, little funny old man. he gave me 10/10 on an assignment that was clearly late.  i love this man already!
Book of Mormon, not gonna lie I don't know my teachers name.. But he is a good man.
Beauty and Creativity, Brother Vaughn, craziest person I have ever met. he draws cans of "soop" and "sup". he is a funny guy. 
American Foundations, who cares, I dislike this class more than Addy Baldwin dislikes rules. 
Science Foundations, Brother Anderson, chillest man alive. So legit. we have already experimented with Termites and thumb wars. i love science now! and my group.

this week went by sooooooo fast.
college has corrupted me. actually, addy baldwin, joy houchins and becca nygaard have corrupted. entirely.

dear everyone, i bleached my hair and dyed it....twice!! my hair is no longer virgin hair. so depressing.

first attempt was an epic faillllll.
bright bright orange.
alright, its cool. but yeah, it was toooo much and it was supposed to be red anyways.

it was all supposed to be red, and it was orange on all of us! me and addy loved being part ginger for about twenty four hours though.

then the next night we tried again.
so much better. You can't really see it here but i also have it on the top of my hair too.
it's hot.
addy's hair is siiiickkkkkk.

college is fun.

and the greatest news of all...

 getting the group back together. 
i am so excited to finally be with all my brothers at the same time and place. together. again.

 is he not the cutest!?

 he is seriously my hero.

I can't wait to have these goofy crazy times again.

well we all know that my family has not been under "normal" circumstances these past five years. and definitely not in this past year and a half.
Yes, i think we are all more than excited to have Devin home. Even people that aren't related to us can't wait for him to be home. Devin is probably one of the most genuine people i have ever met. he is the nicest, most considerate, humble, caring person that i know.

ladies, he will be very much available when he gets home.

only one more week <3

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